
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Vikings & Valkyries: I'm on a podcast?

See, I'm not the only one who makes bad decisions sometimes.  A friend of a friend, whose judgment we must surely question, invited me to participate in an ongoing podcast.

It's called 'Vikings & Valkyries', and it's an actual-play podcast.  With my (very) old friend Bill, and new friends as well, we're trying out the tabletop RPG by Ian Stuart Sharpe.  He's taking us through an adventure in a magic-and-technology-filled world where the Vikings rule the Earth and beyond.

How are we doing?  Frankly, we're incompetent at being Vikings.  We keep blowing things up -- including ourselves -- and we keep getting our guest players killed.  We're really sorry about that last part.

The other players seem to know what they're doing (or at least they act like it) whereas I confess it took me a few episodes to figure out what end of the sword (or microphone) went where.

We're having a lot of fun!  My character 'Eir' contributes the occasional useful magic spell, while I personally contribute a selection of totally-unsolicited smartass remarks.  I think that might be my idiom.

If you're looking for something fun to listen to that involves adults acting like idiots while being bad at a game, you might just be in luck.

'Vikings & Valkyries' via the Vikingverse website

'Vikings & Valkyries' via the Apple podcast site thingie

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