Or it just means there's no hockey, and I don't have to wear a jacket while barbequing. That's okay too, I guess.
Red Space is now out for one last round of external editing. My brother is an actual, I-kid-you-not poet, and has a gift for individual word choices that is
Canada Day is July 1st. Canadians celebrate the day in 1867 when some of the leftover North American colonies asked Britain if they could become sorta independent, and everyone seemed okay with the idea. Anyway, that's the day I'm hoping to release Red Space.
After that, I've got two ideas in my head fighting over who gets to go next. One is set a few years later in the Borealis universe, and the other is an entirely different setting. Both of them have interesting characters who are trying to get my attention. I'm going to spend some time with them, and see which one reaches critical mass.
I've had a few people ask if they could hire me to proofread and/or edit some of their own work. I'm
I better hurry. The marmosets have left without me.